Quickstart with QuAntiL Docker setup

This section explains how to execute the QuAntiL components supported by the QC Atlas UI with docker-compose.



The following components are included in the docker-compose setup

QuAntiL Component URL GitHub Docker Hub
QC-Atlas-UI http://localhost:80 Link Link
QC-Atlas http://localhost:6626/atlas Link Link
Pattern-Atlas-API http://localhost:1977/patternatlas Link Link
Pattern-Atlas-UI http://localhost:1978 Link Link
NISQ-Analyzer http://localhost:5010/nisq-analyzer Link Link
Quantum-Transpiler-Frontend http://localhost:5011 Link Link
Quantum-Transpiler-Backend http://localhost:5012 Link Link
Qiskit-Service http://localhost:5013 Link Link
Forest-Service http://localhost:5014 Link Link
Pytket-Service http://localhost:5015 Link Link
Rigetti QVM http://localhost:5016 Link Link
Rigetti Quilc http://localhost:5017 Link Link
QProv http://localhost:5020/qprov Link Link
QProv-Collector-IBM http://localhost:5021 Link Link
Latex-Renderer http://localhost:5030 Link Link
Redis http://localhost:5040 Link Link
Postgres-Multi DB Link Link
Config-Server http://localhost:2379 Link Link
PlanQK Library http://localhost:2903 Link Link

Make sure following ports in your environment are free in order to start the QuAntiL environment properly:

  • 80
  • 1977
  • 1978
  • 2379
  • 2903
  • 5010-5017
  • 5020-5021
  • 5030
  • 5040
  • 5060
  • 6626

Thereby, QC Atlas builds the basic knowledge base. The different additional features of NISQ Analyzer, Pattern Atlas, and QProv are supported on top of the QC Atlas and are defined as feature sets.

The defined feature sets are namely:
  • all (runs all features)
  • nisqAnalyzer
  • nisqAnalyzerCompilerComparison
  • patternAtlas
  • qprov

Running the QuAntiL components supported by the QC Atlas UI

Make sure all prerequisites above are met beforehand and that all necessary ports are free. Then, navigate inside the root directory of the quantil-docker repository.

Running the base components

The base components QC Atlas, QC Atlas UI, LaTeX Renderer, Config-Server, and the databases without any of the named features run by default using:

  1. Execute docker-compose pull - pulls the most recent version of the images
  2. Execute docker-compose build db
  3. Starting the DB first: docker-compose up -d db
  4. Execute docker-compose up -d - starts all remaining services in the background

To check if everything is running correctly use the command docker ps -a for a list of all running containers and their corresponding containerIds.

The logs of each individual container can be viewed by executing docker logs <containerId>.

To stop every service simply execute docker-compose down -v. -v ensures that all volumes are removed (if example data is imported - see next section - this can be crucial)

Running certain feature sets

For running certain feature sets on top of the base components, Profiles are used.
To start a certain feature set run:
docker-compose --profile <name-of-feature-set> pull
docker-compose --profile <name-of-feature-set> up

For running multiple feature sets, e.g. two sets, run:
docker-compose --profile <name-of-feature-set-1> --profile <name-of-feature-set-2> pull
docker-compose --profile <name-of-feature-set-1> --profile <name-of-feature-set-2> up

For running all feature sets, choose --profile all.

Running only selected services

Sometimes only a subset of the provided images is needed to save computing resources or for development purposes. E.g. the database is running inside the container but IntelliJ is executing qc-atlas.

This is achieved by following the steps above, but instead of executing the command in step 3, use the command

docker-compose up -d <serviceName1> <serviceName2> ... <serviceNameN>

where each <serviceNameX> is replaced by the desired service names.

E.g. docker-compose up -d db qc-atlas executes the database service and the qc-atlas backend. However, keep in mind that some services heavily depend on each other and may not work properly if dependent services are not running.

Import Example Data

Data from the pattern-atlas-content repository will always be imported automatically.

However, to import example data from the qc-atlas-content and nisq-analyzer-content repositories make sure to follow these steps:

  1. Rename the _docker-compose.override.yml file inside the quantil-docker repository to docker-compose.override.yml.
  2. Provide a ssh private key file with correct access rights for the qc-atlas-content repository. The file has to be called ssh_secret and is located in the root folder of the quantil-docker repository.
  3. It is required that the data directory is empty before starting the container to prevent the deletion of data, see postgres-docker documentation.


How do I make sure that all necessary ports are free?

Windows: netstat -anp | find ":<portNumber>" - shows processes listening on

Linux: sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN - shows all processes listening any port

OSX: netstat -anp tcp | grep LISTEN for tcp and netstat -anp udp | grep LISTEN for udp

Why is the example data not imported?
  • Are the line-endings configured correctly? /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/setup-atlas.sh: line 2: cd: $'/var/qc-atlas/testdata\r': No such file or directory in the db logs indicates that LF is not used as line-endings. In IntelliJ, you can override this setting via choosing File > File Properties > Line Separators > LF

  • Make sure you followed the instructions above. If you still experience problems follow these steps:

  • Execute docker-compose rm -vf - this removes all containers and volumes

  • Run docker-compose pull - pull all images
  • Execute docker-compose up --build -d - this rebuilds all services and starts them
How do I use a local repository and build the image myself?

Depending on the service you want to build yourself from a local repository change the image name and add a new build context to the service inside the docker-compose file. E.g.

    context: <repoLocation>
  image: <imageName>

<serviceName> - represents the name of the service

<imageName> - represents the new name of the image.

<repoLocation> - represents the location of the repository relative to the directory of the docker-compose.yml file. The location has to contain the Dockerfile of the service.

Where do I get a ssh private key file with the correct access rights?

Follow the documentation of Github to generate and add the ssh key to your Github account. The generated private key is the file you need, do not share this file with anyone.